The results of the Hanvee Onam Prize Coupon Draw held on October 3rd, 2023 at the Head Office in Kannur have been announced. The coupons draw by Smt. P.P.Divya (President), District Panchayath, Kannur in the presence of Chief Observer of the Draw, Sri. S.T.Subramanian, Deputy Director, Weaver's Service Centre, Kannur. The winners of the draw are as follows:
1st Prize: 1 TVS Electric Scooter (Coupon No. 020382)
2nd Prize: 2 Washing Machines (Coupon No. 000694 and 002380)
3rd Prize: 4 32" Smart TVs (Coupon No. 013216, 013299, 015542 and 000033)
4th Prize: 30 Hanveev Kurthas (Coupon Nos. 002591, 004753, 000803, 014478, 000754, 001781, 005813, 012309, 001052, 003630, 010133, 000886, 003165, 005806, 001054, 010944, 012746, 006609, 001053, 000469, 006752, 011425, 015244, 003527, 005319, 004824, 016088, 021370, 002589 and 002740)
Winners are requested to contact the Hanvee Head Office in Kannur to claim their prizes.
Congratulations to all the winners!
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